Emission measurements
Emission measurements provide input parameters for atmospheric models and are thus of great importance for the description of the composition of the atmosphere. Targeted emission studies, however, can also serve to reduce engine emissions e.g. by changes in the fuel composition or by the use of new catalysts. Some examples from physical chemistry in Wuppertal are listed below:
- Quantification of trace emissions (nitrous oxide, methane) from power plants and small firing plants
- Quantification of trace emissions (nitrous oxide, methane, hydrocarbons) from aircraft engines at combustion chamber, engine, and height test stands
- Quantification of trace emissions (HONO, NOx, HCHO, particles) of motor vehicle engines on engine and vehicle test stands as well as in road tunnels
- Influence of fuel composition on the emissions of motor vehicle engines
- Proportion of directly emitted NO2 in nitric oxide emissions from motor vehicle traffic

Figure 1: The ATAR engine in the RWTH Aachen test stand

Figure 2: Field mirror rack behind the thrust nozzle of the ATAR engine

Figure 3: Rack with the spectrometer and the reflectors during assembly