Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Research

Environmental forum

The physical Chemistry is a member of the environmental forum of the University of Wuppertal and works in the context of the forum in the fields of atmospheric chemistry, combustion chemistry, as well as method development for ultra trace analysis in the gaseous and condensed phase.

Atmospheric chemistry:

  • Investigations of reaction mechanisms in the troposphere and stratosphere in simulation chambers and flow reactors, which comprise both homogeneous and heterogeneous processes,
  • Studies on the photochemical behavior of atmospheric relevant trace gases as well as field measurements.
  • Coordination of the European infrastructure project EUROCHAMP.

Method development:

  • Works on the development of spectroscopic and mass spectrometric detection methods in ultra-trace analysis; these include absorption and emission spectroscopic methods, laser spectroscopy and laser ionization, e.g. APLI.
  • In addition, there is a rich range of courses offered mainly in the Master's degree course in chemistry with the specialization of environmental chemistry in the form of lectures (for example, "atmospheric chemistry") and internships (e.g., "air analytical methods of examination").
  • The compact course "Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics", which is held before the winter semester start in collaboration with the University of Cologne and Forschungszentrum Jülich, is also to be found here.



Degradation, degradation products, absorption, absorption coefficients, absorption cross sections, aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatics, atmosphere, atmospheric chemistry, Atmospheric pressure ionization,
Atmospheric pressure laser ionization, API, APCI, APPI, APLI, diesel, diesel emission, dissociation, emission, energy transfer, field measurements, fluorescence, FTIR, gas chromatography, GC-MS, heterogeneous, homogeneous, HONO, Hydroxiradicals, Immission, Infrared spectroscopy, IR, Ion, ion trap, ion-molecular reactions, ionization, ionization mechanisms, hydrocarbons, long-distance absorption, laser, laser-induced fluorescence, laser ionization, mass spectrometry, mechanisms, MPI, multiphotonenionisation, MS, nitro-PAH, nitro-PAK, NO, NOx, OH, oxidation , Oxidation potential, ozone, PAH, PAK, particles, particle formation, photolysis, photolyserates, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, quantum yield, QIT, quadrupole, quadrupole ion trap, reactor, reaction mechanisms, REMPI, soot, simulation chamber, SMPS, spectroscopy, nitrogen oxides, stratosphere, flow reactor, Time of flight, TOF-MS, troposphere, UV, UV-VIS.
