LOPAP (Long-Path-Absorption-Photometer) measuring instruments

Functional principle of a "Liquid Core Waveguide"
In this process, trace substances are solubilized by selective chemical reactions as a dye and then detected in a highly sensitive manner in a so-called "liquid core waveguide" in long-path absorption.
In the development of the devices, an emphasis is placed on the avoidance of cross-sensitivity to other traces of traces (interferences).
LOPAP measuring instruments developed so far:

LOPAP measuring instrument for the detection of nitrous acid
- Development of the world's most sensitive measuring instrument for the detection of nitrous acid (HONO) with a detection limit of 0.2 ppt (1 ppt corresponds to one particle to 1012 = air particles)
- Development of a very sensitive HNO3 -measuring instrument (detection limit approx. 2 pptV)
- Development of a very sensitive NO2 -measuring instrument (detection limit approx. 1 pptV)
- Development of a Combined measuring instrument for the simultaneous detection of O3 , NO2 and NO (running project).