Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Research

CRISTA-NF - a Helium-cooled Infrared Telescope for the Atmosphere

From Oberpfaffenhofen to Australia (2005) and Africa (2006)

After completion of the instrument numerous tests had to be performed before CRISTA-NF had its first flight onboard the M55-Geophysica research aircraft. Vibration tests to verify structural integrity were run at DLR in Berlin. EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) tests followed at Serco Inc. in Bonn. The extensive cryo testing and calibration measurements of CRISTA-NF were performed at the University of Wuppertal.

In July 2005 CRISTA-NF accomplished a successful test flight from DLR airport in Oberpfaffenhofen before it took the long way to the SCOUT-O3 Campaign in Darwin (Australia) in November und December 2005. CRISTA-NF accumulated valuable data during the transfer flights (Oberpfaffenhofen - Larnaca [Cyprus] - Dubai - Hyderabad [India] - Utapao [Thailand] - Brunei - Darwin). In Australia CRISTA-NF participated in several scientific flights to study the Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange.

Within the scope of the AMMA Campaign (African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses) CRISTA-NF was utilized for exploration of the West African Monsoon in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) in summer 2006.

First preliminary results of both campaigns are shown here.

Polar Research in Northern Sweden (2010)

During the Arctic winter 2010 CRISTA-NF participated in the international RECONCILE-Campaign (Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions), which took place in Kiruna (Northern Sweden) from January to March 2010. Based on dedicated measurements, RECONCILE will improve model representations of key processes dominating chemistry, microphysics and dynamics of Arctic stratospheric ozone loss.

The project funded under the EC Seventh Framework Programme is carried out by a consortium of 17 partners from 9 different countries.

First results of the trace gas retrievals are shown here (LINK) and observations of polar stratospheric clouds are presented here (LINK).

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