Institut für Atmosphären- und Umweltforschung

Prof. Dr. Ralf Koppmann


Offermann, D., Kalicinsky, C., Koppmann, R., and Wintel, J.:
Very-long-period oscillations in the atmosphere (0–110 km) – Part 2: Latitude– longitude comparisons and trends,
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 3267–3278,, 2023.

Daikang Wei, Qiucheng Gong, Qiuyu Chen, Yajun Zhu, Martin Kaufmann, Friedhelm Olschewski, Peter Knieling, Florian Dötzer, Klaus Mantel, Jiyao Xu, Ralf Koppmann, and Martin Riese
Modeling and correction of fringe patterns in Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne interferometry
Applied Optics, Vol. 61, 10528-10537, 2022,

Ch. Kalicinsky and R. Koppmann
Multi‑decadal oscillations of surface temperatures and the impact on temperature increases
Scientific Reports  (2022) 12:19895,

M. Dolores Andrés Hernández, Andreas Hilboll, Helmut Ziereis, Eric Förster, Ovid O. Krüger, Katharina Kaiser, Johannes Schneider, Francesca Barnaba, Mihalis Vrekoussis, Jörg Schmidt, Heidi Huntrieser, Anne-Marlene Blechschmidt, Midhun George, Vladyslav Nenakhov, Theresa Harlass, Bruna A. Holanda, Jennifer Wolf, Lisa Eirenschmalz, Marc Krebsbach, Mira L. Pöhlker, Anna B. Kalisz Hedegaard, Linlu Mei, Klaus Pfeilsticker, Yangzhuoran Liu, Ralf Koppmann, Hans Schlager, Birger Bohn, Ulrich Schumann, Andreas Richter, Benjamin Schreiner, Daniel Sauer, Robert Baumann, Mariano Mertens, Patrick Jöckel, Markus Kilian, Greta Stratmann, Christopher Pöhlker, Monica Campanelli, Marco Pandolfi, Michael Sicard, José L. Gómez-Amo, Manuel Pujadas, Katja Bigge, Flora Kluge, Anja Schwarz, Nikos Daskalakis, David Walter, Andreas Zahn, Ulrich Pöschl, Harald Bönisch, Stephan Borrmann, Ulrich Platt, and John P. Burrows
Overview: On the transport and transformation of pollutants in the outflow of major population centres – observational data from the EMeRGe European intensive operational period in summer 2017
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 5877–5924, 2022,

Johannes Stehr, Peter Knieling, Friedhelm Olschewski, Klaus Mantel, Martin Kaufmann, and Ralf Koppmann;
GRIPS-HI, a novel spectral imager for ground based measurements of mesopause temperatures;
tm – Technisches Messen,, 2021

D. Offermann, Ch. Kalicinsky, R. Koppmann, J. Wintel;
Very long-period oscillations in the atmosphere (0-110 km);
Atmospheric chemistry and physics , 21, 1593-1611,, (2021)

Daikang Wei, Yajun Zhu, Jilin Liu, Qiucheng Gong, Martin Kaufmann, Friedhelm Olschewski, Peter Knieling, Jiyao Xu, Ralf Koppmann, and Martin Riese
Thermally stable monolithic Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne interferometer: optical design and laboratory performance
Optics Express, Vol. 28, Issue 14, pp. 19887-19900,, 2020

Ralf Koppmann
Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
In: H. Wilkes (eds.)
Hydrocarbons, Oils and Lipids: Diversity, Origin, Chemistry and Fate, Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology
Springer, Cham,, 2020

Christoph Kalicinsky, Robert Reisch, Peter Knieling, and Ralf Koppmann
Determination of time-varying periodicities in unequally spaced time series of OH* temperatures using a moving Lomb–Scargle periodogram and a fast calculation of the false alarm probabilities
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 13, 467–477,, 2020

Martin Kaufmann, Friedhelm Olschewski, Klaus Mantel, Oliver Wroblowski, Qiuyu Chen, Jilin Liu, Qiuchen Gong, Daikan Wei, Yajun Zhu, Tom Neubert, Heinz Rongen, Ralf Koppmann & Martin Riese
On the assembly and calibration of a spatial heterodyne interferometerfor limb sounding of the middle atmosphere
CEAS Space Journal, 11, 525–531,, 2019

Olschewski, F.; Kaufmann, M. ; Mantel, K. ; Neubert, T. ; Rongen, H. ; Riese, M. ; Koppmann, R.
"A CubeSat Science Payload for Airglow Measurements in the Upper Atmosphere,"
Geophysical research abstracts, 21, EGU201-98213,, 2019

Martin Kaufmann, Friedhelm Olschewski, Klaus Mantel, Oliver Wroblowski, Jilin Liu, Michael Deiml, Qiuyu Chen, Ulrike Lembke, Saroj Mihalik, Brian Solheim, Gordon Shepherd, Ralf Koppmann, Martin Riese
"Optical design and performance analysis of a CubeSat-sized limb sounder utilizing a spatial heterodyne spectrometer for the measurement of mesospheric temperature,"
Proc. SPIE 11180, International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2018, 111803P (12 July 2019);

Qiuyu Chen, Martin Kaufmann, Yajun Zhu, Jilin Liu, Ralf Koppmann, and Martin Riese
Global nighttime atomic oxygen abundances from GOMOS hydroxyl airglow measurements in the mesopause region
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 13891–13910,, 2019

Olschewski, F. ; Kaufmann, M. ; Mantel, K. ; Neubert, T. ; Rongen, H. ; Riese, M ; Koppmann, R.
AtmoCube A1: airglow measurements in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere by spatial heterodyne interferometry
J. of Applied Remote Sensing,, 2019

Martin Kaufmann, Friedhelm Olschewski, Klaus Mantel, Michael Deiml, Fritz Wagner, Florian Loosen, Denis Fröhlich, Heinz Rongen, Tom Neubert, Björn Rottland, Herbert Schneider, Thomas Kulessa, Martin Riese, Peter Knieling, Jilin Liu, Rui Song, Oliver Wroblowski, Qiuyu Chen, Ralf Koppmann, Christian Monte, Brian Solheim, Jinjun Shan, Gordon Shepherd,
"A CubeSat-sized limb-sounder for the observation of high resolution temperature profiles in the middle atmosphere",
INSPIRE and Small Sat Workshop, 27.-29.8.2018, Paris, France, 2018.

Kaufmann, Martin; Shepherd, Gordon; Koppmann, Ralf; Solheim, Brian; Riese, Martin; Tang, Geshi; Olschewski, Friedhelm; Mantel, Klaus; Deiml, Michael; Liu, Jilin; Chen, Qiuyu; Neubert, Tom; Shan, Jinjun:
"A highly miniaturized satellite payload for the observation of temperatures in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere",
42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 14-22 July 2018, in Pasadena, California, USA, Abstract id. A1.1-44-18,, 2018.

Kaufmann, M., M. Deiml, J. Liu, Q. Chen, O. Wroblowski, M. Riese, F. Olschewski, R.
Koppmann, K. Mantel, B. Solheim, J. Shan, G. Shepherd, T. Neubert, H. Rongen, D. Fröhlich, and G. Tang,

"A Miniaturized Limb Sounder Utilizing a Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for the Observation of the Molecular Oxygen Atmospheric Band,"
in Light, Energy and the Environment 2018 (E2, FTS, HISE, SOLAR, SSL), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper FM3B.1,, 2018.

Olschewski, F., Ch. Monte, A. Adibekyan, M. Reiniger, B. Gutschwager, J. Hollandt, and R. Koppmann
A large-area blackbody for in-flight calibration of an infrared interferometer deployed on board a long-duration balloon for stratospheric research
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 4757-4762,, 2018

Kaufmann M, Deiml M, Liu J, Chen Q, Wroblowski O, Riese M, Olschewski F, Koppmann R
A Highly Miniaturized Satellite Payload Based on a Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for the Detection of Faint Emissions in the Atmosphere , Proceedings of the AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Mission Payloads I, 4.-9.8.2018, Logan, Utah, USA, 2018

Kaufmann, Martin, Friedhelm Olschewski, Klaus Mantel, Brian Solheim, Gordon Shepherd, Michael Deiml, Jilin Liu, Rui Song, Qiuyu Chen, Oliver Wroblowski, Daikang Wei, Yajun Zhu, Friedrich Wagner, Florian Loosen, Denis Froehlich, Tom Neubert, Heinz Rongen, Peter Knieling, Panos Toumpas, Jinjun Shan, Geshi Tang, Ralf Koppmann, and Martin Riese
A highly miniaturized satellite payload based on a spatial heterodyne spectrometer for atmospheric temperature measurements in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 3861-3870,, 2018

Kaufmann M, Olschewski F, Mantel K, Solheim B, Shepherd G, Deiml M, Liu J, Chen Q, Wroblowski O, Neubert T, Shan J, Tang G, Koppmann R, Riese M
A Highly Miniaturized Satellite Payload Based on a Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for the Detection of Faint Emissions in the Atmosphere
Proceedings auf the 4S Symposium, 28.5.-1.6. 2018, Sorrento, Italy, 2018

Deiml, M., R. Song, D. Fröhlich, B. Rottland, F. Wagner, J. Liu, O. Wroblowski, Q. Chen, F. Loosen, M. Kaufmann, H. Rongen, T. Neubert, H. Schneider, F. Olschewski, P. Knieling, K. Mantel, B. Solheim, G. Shepherd, R. Koppmann, M. Riese
Test of a remote sensing Fourier transform interferometer for temperature measurements in the mesosphere on a REXUS rocket
Proceedings of the 23rd ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Visby, Sweden, 11-15 Jun 2017.

Kalicinsky, C., P. Knieling, R. Koppmann, D. Offermann, W. Steinbrecht, and J. Wintel;
Long-term dynamics of OH* temperatures over central Europe: trends and solar correlations;
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 15033-15047, doi:10.5194/acp-16-15033-2016, 2016.

Sonderfeld, H., I. R. White, I. C. A. Goodall, J. R. Hopkins, A. C. Lewis, R. Koppmann, and P. S. Monks
What effect does VOC sampling time have on derived OH reactivity?
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 6303–6318, doi:10.5194/acp-16-6303-2016, 2016.

Offermann, D., O. Goussev, C. Kalicinsky, R. Koppmann, K. Matthes, H. Schmidt, W. Steinbrecht and J. Wintel
A case study of multi-annual temperature oscillations in the atmosphere: Middle Europe
J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 135, 1–11, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.10.003, 2015.

Meisehen, T., Bühler, F., Koppmann, R., and Krebsbach, M.
An analytical system for the measurement of stable hydrogen isotopes in ambient volatile organic compounds
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 4475-4486, doi:10.5194/amt-8-4475-2015, 2015.

Koppmann, R. und P. Wiesen
CO2 und Klimawandel
in: CO2: Abtrennung, Speicherung, Nutzung - Ganzheitliche Bewertung im Bereich von Energiewirtschaft und Industrie M. Fischedick, K. Görner, M. Thomeczek (Hrsg.), Springer Vieweg, Heidelberg 2015.

Bonn, B., E. Bourtsoukidis T. S. Sun, H. Bingemer, L. Rondo, U. Javed, J. Li, R. Axinte, X. Li, T. Brauers, H. Sonderfeld, R. Koppmann, A. Sogachev, S. Jacobi, and D. V. Spracklen
The link between atmospheric radicals and newly formed particles at a spruce forest site in Germany
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 10823-10843, doi:10.5194/acp-14-10823-2014, 2014.

Reisin, E.R, J. Scheer, M.E. Dyrland, F. Sigernes, C.S. Deehr, C. Schmidt, K. Höppner, M. Bittner, P.P. Ammosove, G.A.Gavrilyeva, J.Stegman, V.I. Perminov, A.I. Semenov, P. Knieling, R. Koppmann, K. Shiokawa, R.P. Lowe, M.J. López-González, E. Rodríguez, Y. Zhao, M.J. Taylor, R.A. Buriti, P.J. Espy, W.J.R. French, K.-U. Eichmann, J.P. Burrows, C. von Savigny
Traveling planetary wave activity from mesopause region airglow temperatures determined by the Network for the Detection of Mesopheric Change
J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys. 119, 71–82, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2014.07.002, 2014.

Koppmann, R. (Hrsg)
Atmospheric Research From Different Perspectives - Bridging the Gap Between Natural and Social Sciences
The Reacting Atmosphere 1, Springer, 2014.

Derpmann, V. , D. Mueller, I. Bejan, H. Sonderfeld, S. Wilberscheid, R. Koppmann, K. J. Brockmann, Th. Benter
Capillary Atmospheric Pressure Electron Capture Ionization (cAPECI): A Highly Efficient Ionization Method for Nitro-Aromatic Compounds
J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 25, 329-342, doi:10.​1007/​s13361-013-0761-3, 2014.

Olschewski, F., A. Ebersoldt, F. Friedl-Vallon, B. Gutschwager, J. Hollandt, A. Kleinert, C. Monte, C. Piesch, P. Preusse, C. Rolf, P. Steffens, and R. Koppmann
The in-flight blackbody calibration system for the GLORIA interferometer on board an airborne research platform
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 3067-3082, doi:10.5194/amt-6-3067-2013, 2013.

Koppmann, R., F. Olschewski, P. Steffens, C. Rolf, P. Preusse, A. Ebersoldt, F. Friedl-Vallon, A. Kleinert, C. Piesch, J. Hollandt, B. Gutschwager, and C. Monte
An in-flight blackbody calibration source for the GLORIA interferometer onboard an airborne research platform
AIP Conf. Proc. 1531, pp. 332-335; 10.1063/1.4804774, 2013.

Derpmann, V., I. Bejan, H. Kersten, K. J. Brockmann, I. Barnes, J. Kleffmann, Th. Benter, H. Sonderfeld, R. Koppmann
An Ionization Method Based on Photoelectron Induced Thermal Electron Generation: capillary Atmospheric Pressure Electron Capture Ionization (cAPECI)
in: Disposal of Dangerous Chemicals in Urban Areas and Mega Cities, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 2013, pp 239-248, 2013.

Wintel, J., Hösen, E., Koppmann, R., Krebsbach, M., Hofzumahaus, A., and Rohrer, F.
Stable carbon isotope ratios of toluene in the boundary layer and the lower free troposphere
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 11059-11071, doi:10.5194/acp-13-11059-2013, 2013.

Häusler, K., J. Oberheide, H. Lühr, R. Koppmann
The Geospace Response to Nonmigrating Tides
in: Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES): Highlights from a priority program, Springer Atmospheric Sciences, Editor: F.-J. Lübken, Dordrecht, The Netherlands,, 2013.

Offermann, D. and R. Koppmann
Short Period Dynamics in the Mesosphere: Morphology, Trends, and the General Circulation
in: Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES): Highlights from a priority program, Springer Atmospheric Sciences, Editor: F.-J. Lübken, Dordrecht, The Netherlands,, 2013.

Olschewski, F., C. Rolf, P. Steffens, A. Kleinert, C. Piesch, A. Ebersoldt, C. Monte, B. Gutschwager, J. Hollandt, P. Preusse, F. Friedl-Vallon, Ralf Koppmann
In-flight blackbody calibration sources for the GLORIA interferometer
in: Proc. SPIE 8511, Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XX, doi:10.1117/12.928194, 2012.

Offermann, D., J. Wintel, C. Kalicinsky, P. Knieling, R. Koppmann, and W. Steinbrecht
Long-term development of short period gravity waves in Middle Europe
J. Geophys. Res., 116, D00P07, doi:10.1029/2010JD015544, 2011.

Offermann, D., P. Hoffmann, P. Knieling, R. Koppmann, J. Oberheide, D.M. Riggin, V. M. Tunbridge and W. Steinbrecht
Quasi 2 day waves in the summer mesosphere: Triple structure of amplitudes and long-term development
J. Geophys. Res., 116, D00P02, doi:10.1029/2010JD015051, 2011.

Schlünzen, K. H., D. Grawe, I. Schlüter, S. I. Bohnenstengel, R. Koppmann
Joint Modelling of Obstacle Induced and Mesoscale Changes – Current Limits and Challenges
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 99, Issue 4, April 2011, Pages 217-225, doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2011.01.009, 2011.

Iannone, R., R. Koppmann, J. Rudolph
Stable carbon kinetic isotope effects for the production of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone from the gas-phase reactions of isoprene with ozone and hydroxyl radicals
Atmospheric Environment, 44, 4135-4141, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.07.046, 2010.

Dlugi, R., M. Berger, M. Zelger, A. Hofzumahaus, M. Siese, F. Holland, A. Wisthaler, W. Grabmer, A. Hansel, R. Koppmann, G. Kramm, M. Möllmann-Coers, A. Knaps
Turbulent Exchange and Segregation of HOx Radicals and Volatile Organic Compounds above a Deciduous Forest
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 6215-6235,, 2010.

Koppmann, R.
Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
in: Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology, K. N. Timmis (ed.), pp. 270-277,, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

Offermann, D., P. Hoffmann, P. Knieling, R. Koppmann, J. Oberheide, and W. Steinbrecht
Long-term Trends and Solar Cycle Variations of Mesospheric Temperature and Dynamics
J. Geophys. Res., 115, D18127, doi:10.1029/2009JD013363, 2010.

Röckmann, T., S. Walter, B. Bohn, R. Wegener, H. Spahn, T. Brauers, R. Tillmann, E. Schlosser, R. Koppmann, and F. Rohrer
Isotope effect in the formation of H2 from H2CO studied at the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 5343-5357,, 2010.

Fisseha, R., H. Spahn, R. Wegener, T. Hohaus, G. Brasse, H. Wissel, R. Tillmann, A. Wahner, R. Koppmann, and A. Kiendler-Scharr
Stable isotope composition of secondary organic aerosol from β-pinene oxidation
J. Geophys. Res., 114, D02304, doi:10.1029/2008JD011326, 2009.

Iannone, R., Koppmann, R., Rudolph, J.
12C/13C kinetic isotope effects of the gas-phase reactions of isoprene, methacrolein, and methyl vinyl ketone with OH radicals
Atmospheric Environment, 43, 3103–3110, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.03.006, 2009.

Apel, E.C., T. Brauers, R. Koppmann, B. Bandowe, J. Boßmeyer, C. Holzke, R. Tillmann, A. Wahner, R. Wegener, A. Brunner, M. Jocher, T. Ruuskanen, C. Spirig, D. Steigner, R. Steinbrecher, E. Gomez Alvarez, K. Müller, J.P. Burrows, G. Schade, S.J. Solomon, A. Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, P. Simmonds, D. Young, J.R. Hopkins, A.C. Lewis, G. Legreid, S. Reimann, A. Hansel, A. Wisthaler, R.S. Blake, A.M. Ellis, P.S. Monks , K.P. Wyche
Intercomparison of oxygenated volatile organic compound (OVOC) measurements at the SAPHIR atmosphere simulation chamber
J. Geophys. Res., 113, D20307, doi:10.1029/2008JD009865, 2008.

Iannone, R., Koppmann, R., Rudolph, J.
The stable carbon kinetic isotope effects of the reactions of isoprene, methacrolein, and methyl vinyl ketone with ozone in the gas phase
Atmospheric Environment, 42, 8728–8737, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.08.035, 2008.

Wisthaler, A., E. Apel, J. Bossmeyer, A. Hansel, W. Junkermann, R. Koppmann, R. Meier, K. Müller, S. J. Solomon, R. Steinbrecher, R. Tillmann, T. Brauers
Technical Note: Intercomparison of formaldehyde measurements at the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 2189-2200,, 2008.

Iannone, R., Koppmann, R., Rudolph, J.
A Technique for Atmospheric Measurements of Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios of Isoprene, Methacrolein, and Methyl Vinyl Ketone
J. Atmos. Chem., 58, 181-202, doi:10.1007/s10874-007-9087-5, 2007.

Steinbrecher, R., Koppmann, R.
Biosphäre und Atmosphäre: Bedeutung biogener Kohlenwasserstoffe
Chemie in unserer Zeit, 41, 286-292, doi:10.1002/ciuz.200700422, 2007.

Wegener, R., T. Brauers, R. Koppmann, S. Rodríguez Bares, F. Rohrer, R. Tillmann, A. Wahner, A. Hansel, A. Wisthaler
Investigation of the ozonolysis of short chained alkenes in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR
J. Geophys. Res., 112, D13301, doi:10.1029/2006JD007531, 2007.

Koppmann, R., and J. Wildt
Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds
in: Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere, R. Koppmann (ed.), pp. 129-172, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford,, 2007.

Williams, J., and R. Koppmann
Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere: An Overview
in: Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere, R. Koppmann (ed.), pp. 1-32, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford,, 2007.

Wyche K. P., R. S. Blake, A. M. Ellis, P. S. Monks, T. Brauers, R. Koppmann, and E. C. Apel
Technical Note: Performance of Chemical Ionization Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (CIR-TOF-MS) for the measurement of atmospherically significant oxygenated volatile organic compounds
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 609-620,, 2007.

Karl, M., H.-P. Dorn, F. Holland, R. Koppmann, D. Poppe, L. Rupp, A. Schaub, and A. Wahner
Product study of the reaction of OH radicals with isoprene in the atmosphere simulation chamber SAPHIR
J. Atmos. Chem., doi:10.1007/s10874-006-9034-x, 2006.

Holzke, C., T. Dindorf, J. Kesselmeier, U. Kuhn, and R. Koppmann
Terpene emissions from European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.): Pattern and emission behaviour over two vegetation periods
J. Atmos. Chem., doi:10.1007/s10874-006-9027-9, 2006.

Bohn, B., R. Koppmann, and F. Rohrer
Seasonal variations and profile measurements of photolysis frequencies j(O1D) and j(NO2) at the ECHO forest field site
J. Geophys. Res., 111, D12303, doi:10.1029/2005JD006856, 2006.

Holzke, C., T. Hoffmann, L. Jaeger, R. Koppmann and W. Zimmer
Diurnal and seasonal variation of monoterpene and sesquiterpene emissions from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
Atmos. Environ., 40, 3174-3185, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.01.039, 2006.

Barker, M., M. Hengst, J. Schmid, B. Mittermaier, H.-J. Buers, D. Klemp, R. Koppmann
Volatile organic compounds in the exhaled breath of young patients with cystic fibrosis
Eur. Respir. J., 27, 929-936, doi:10.1183/09031936.06.00085105, 2006.

Kleffmann, J., R. Gavriloaiei, A. Hofzumahaus, F. Holland, R. Koppmann, L. Rupp, E. Schlosser, M. Siese, A. Wahner
Daytime formation of nitrous acid: a source of OH radicals in a forest
Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L05818 doi:10.1029/2005GL022524, 2005.

Steffen, B., K. P. Müller, M. Komenda, R. Koppmann, A. Schaub
A new mathematical procedure to evaluate peaks in complex chromatograms
Journal of Chromatography A, 1071, 239-246,, 2005.

Koppmann, R., K. v. Czapiewski, M. Komenda
Natural and human induced biomass burning in Africa: An important source for volatile organic compounds in the troposphere
in: "Climate Change and Africa ", ed. By Pak Sum Low, pp. 69-78, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Aubrun, S., R. Koppmann, B. Leitl, M. Möllmann-Coers, A. Schaub
Physical modelling of an inhomogeneous finite forest area in a wind tunnel – Comparison with field data and Lagrangian dispersion calculations
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 129, 121-135, 2005.

Reid, J. S., R. Koppmann, T. F. Eck, D. Eleuterio
A Review of Biomass Burning Emissions Part II: Intensive Physical Properties of Biomass Burning Particles
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5, 799-825,, 2005.

Reid, J. S., T. F. Eck, S. A. Christopher, R. Koppmann, O. Dubovik, D. Eleuterio, B. N. Holben, E. A. Reid, J. Zhang
A Review of Biomass Burning Emissions Part III: Intensive Optical Properties of Biomass Burning Particles
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5, 827-849,, 2005.

Komenda, M., A. Schaub, R. Koppmann
Description and characterization of an on-line system for long-term measurements of isoprene, methyl vinyl ketone, and methacrolein in ambient air
Journal of Chromatography A, 995, 185-201,, 2003.

Komenda, M., K. Kobel, R. Koppmann, J. Wildt
Comparability of biogenic VOC emission rate measurements under laboratory and ambient conditions at the example of monoterpene emissions from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Journal Atmospheric Chemistry, 45, 1-23,, 2003

Gautrois, M., T. Brauers, R. Koppmann, F. Rohrer, O. Stein, and J. Rudolph
Seasonal variability and trends of volatile organic compounds in the lower polar troposphere
Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, D13, 4393, doi:10.1029/2002JD002765, 2003.

Schnitzler, J.-P., N. Bauknecht, N. Brüggemann, W. Einig, R. Forkel, R. Hampp, A. C. Heiden, U. Heizmann, T. Hoffmann, C. Holzke, L. Jaeger, M. Komenda, M. Klauer, R. Koppmann, J. Kreuzwieser, H. Mayer, H. Rennenberg, W. Seiler, G. Smiatek, R. Steinbrecher, J. Wildt , W. Zimmer
Emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds: An overview of field, laboratory and modelling studies performed during the 'Tropospheric Research Program' (TFS) 1997 - 2000
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 42, 159-177,, 2002.

Komenda, M., R. Koppmann
Monoterpene emissions from Scots pines (Pinus Sylvestris): Field studies of emission rate variabilities
Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (D13), 10.1029/2001JD000691, 2002.

Czapiewski, K. v., E. Czuba, L. Huang, D. Ernst, A. L. Norman, R. Koppmann, J. Rudolph
Isotopic composition of non-methane hydrocarbons in emissions from biomass burning
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 43, 45-60,, 2002.

Komenda, M., E. Parusel, A. Wedel, R. Koppmann
Measurements of biogenic VOC emissions: Sampling, analysis, and calibration
Atmospheric Environment, 35, 2069-2080,, 2001.

Shao, M., K.v. Czapiewski, A.C. Heiden, K. Kobel, M. Komenda, R. Koppmann, J. Wildt
VOC emissions from Scots pine: Dependence on temperature, light intensity, and season
Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 20483 – 20492, 2001.

Schaefer, R. G., B. Cramer, R. Koppmann, R. Littke, N. V. Lopatin, H. S. Poelchau, D. H. Welte
Erdgas in Westsibirien - Ergebnisse transdisziplinärer Forschung in deutsch-russischer Kooperation
Erdöl Erdgas Kohle, 4, 176-185, 2000.

Rudolph, J., K. v. Czapiewski, R. Koppmann
Emissions of methyl chloroform (CH3CCl3) from biomass burning and the tropospheric methyl chloroform budget
Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 1887-1890,, 2000.

Ramacher, B., J. Rudolph, R. Koppmann
Hydrocarbon measurements during troposheric ozone depletion events: Evidence for halogen atom chemistry
Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 3633-3653,, 1999.

Heiden, A. C., K. Kobel, M. Komenda, R. Koppmann, M. Shao, J. Wildt
Toluene emissions from plants
Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 1283-1286,, 1999.

Gautrois, M., R. Koppmann
Diffusion technique for the production of gas standards for atmospheric measurements
Journal of Chromatography A, 848, 239-249,, 1999.

Rudolph, J., R. Koppmann
Editorial: Objectives of the POPCORN campaign
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 31, 1-3,, 1998.

Koppmann, R.,C. Plass-Dülmer, B. Ramacher, J. Rudolph, H. Kunz, D. Melzer, P. Speth
Measurements of carbon monoxide an nonmethane hydrocarbons during POPCORN
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 31, 53-72,, 1998.

Schrimpf, W., L. Linaerts, K. P. Müller, R. Koppmann, J. Rudolph
Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) measurements during the POPCORN campaign
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 31, 139-159,, 1998.

Poppe, D., R. Koppmann, J. Rudolph
Ozone formation in biomass burning plumes: Influence of atmospheric dilution
Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 3823-3826,, 1998.

Koppmann, R., A. Khedim, J. Rudolph, D. Poppe, G. Helas, M. Welling, T. Zenker, M.O. Andreae
Emissions of organic trace gases from savanna fires in southern Africa during SAFARI 92 and their impact on the formation of tropospheric ozone
Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 18879-18888,, 1997.

Ramacher, B., J. Rudolph, R. Koppmann
Hydrocarbon measurements in the spring arctic troposphere during the ARCTOC 95 campaign
Tellus, 49B, 466-485,, 1997.

Rudolph, J.,B. Ramacher, C. Plass-Dülmer, K.-P. Müller, R. Koppmann
The indirect determination of chlorine atom concentration in the troposphere from changes in the patterns of nonmethane hydrocarbons
Tellus, 49B, 592-602,, 1997.

Rudolph, J., R. Koppmann, and C. Plass-Dülmer
The budgets of ethane and tetrachloroethene: Is there evidence for an impact of reactions with chlorine atoms in the troposphere?
Atmospheric Environment 30, 1887-1894,,1996.

Andreae, M.O., E. Atlas, G.W. Harris, G. Helas, A. de Kock, R. Koppmann, , W. Maenhaut, S. Mano, W. H. Pollock, J. Rudolph, D. Scharffe, G. Schebeske, and M. Welling
Methyl halide emissions from savanna fires in southern Africa
Journal of Geophysical Research 101, 23603-23613,,1996.

Andreae, M.O., E. Atlas, H. Cachier, W.R. Cofer III, G.W. Harris, G. Helas, R. Koppmann, J.P. Lacaux, and D.E. Ward
Trace gas and aerosol emissions from savanna fires
in: Biomass Burning and Global Change, J. S. Levine (ed.), Vol.1, pp. 278-295, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1996.

Zenker, T., F.G. Wienhold, P. LeCanut, M.O. Andreae, G.W. Harris, R. Koppmann, A.M. Thompson, D.P. McNamara, T.L. Kuscera
Regional Trace Gas Distribution and Airmass Characeristics in the Haze Layer Over Southern Africa During Biomass Burning Season (September/Ocotber 1992): Observations and Modeling from the STARE/SAFARI-92 DC3
in: Biomass Burning and Global Change, J. S. Levine (ed.), Vol.1, pp. 296-308, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1996.

Koppmann, R., A. Khedim, J. Rudolph, G. Helas, M. Welling, T. Zenker
Airborne Measurements of Organic Trace Gases from Savanna Fires in Southern Africa during SAFARI 92
in: Biomass Burning and Global Change, J. S. Levine (ed.), Vol.1, pp. 309-319, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1996.

Plass-Dülmer, C., R. Koppmann, M. Ratte, and J. Rudolph
Light nonmethane hydrocarbons in seawater
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 9, 79-100,, 1995.

Koppmann, R., F.J. Johnen, A. Khedim, J. Rudolph, A. Wedel and B. Wiards
The influence of ozone on light nonmethane hydrocarbons during cryogenic preconcentration
Journal of Geophysical Research 100, 11383-11391,, 1995.

Rudolph, J., A. Khedim, R. Koppmann, and B. Bonsang
Field study of the emissions of methylchloride and other halocarbons from biomass burning in equatorial Africa
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 22, 67-80,, 1995.

Ratte, M., C. Plass-Dülmer, R. Koppmann, and J. Rudolph
Horizontal and vertical profiles of light hydrocarbons in sea water related to biological, chemical and physical parameters
Tellus 47B, 607-623,, 1995.

Poppe, D., J. Zimmermann, R. Bauer, T. Brauers, D. Brüning, J. Callies, H.P. Dorn, A. Hofzumahaus, F.J. Johnen, A. Khedim, H. Koch, R. Koppmann, H. London, K.P. Müller, R. Neuroth, C. Plass-Dülmer, U. Platt, F. Rohrer, E.P. Röth, J. Rudolph, U. Schmidt, M. Wallasch, and D.H. Ehhalt
A comparison of measured OH concentrations with model calculations
Journal of Geophysical Research 99, 16633-16642,, 1994.

Plass-Dülmer, C., R. Koppmann, F.J. Johnen, J. Rudolph, and H. Kuosa
Emissions of light nonmethane hydrocarbons from the Atlantic into the Atmosphere.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 7, 211-228,, 1993.

M. Ratte, C. Plass-Dülmer, R. Koppmann, J. Rudolph, J. Denga
Production mechanism of C2-C4 hydrocarbons in sea water: field measurements and experiments.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 7, 369-378,, 1993.

Koppmann, R., F.J. Johnen, C. Plass-Dülmer, and J. Rudolph
The distribution of methylchloride, dichloromethane, trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene over the Atlantic
Journal of Geophysical Research 98, 20517-20526,, 1993.

Koppmann, R., R. Bauer, F.J. Johnen, C. Plass, and J. Rudolph
The distribution of light nonmethane hydrocarbons over the mid-Atlantic: Results of the Polarstern cruise ANT VII/1.
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 15, 215-234,, 1992.

Plass, C., R. Koppmann, and J. Rudolph
Light hydrocarbons in the surface water of the mid-Atlantic.
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 15, 235-251,, 1992.

Plass, C., R. Koppmann, and J. Rudolph
Measurements of dissolved nonmethane hydrocarbons in sea water
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 339, 746-749,, 1991.

Sack, N.J., R. Schuster, A. Hofmann, A. Khedim and R. Koppmann
Current Density Effects and the Importance of Charge Transfer Processes in the Radiolysis of Methane - Astrophysical Implications.
Astrophysical Journal, 360, 305-312, 1990.

Rudolph, J., K.P. Müller and R. Koppmann
Sampling of organic volatiles in the atmosphere at moderate and low pollution levels.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 236, 197-211,, 1990.

Koppmann, R., S.M. Refaei and A. Pospieszczyk
Spectroscopic study of atomic beams generated by laser ablation of multicomponent targets.
in: Laser Surface Treatment of Metals, ed. by C.W. Draper and P. Mazzoldi, NATO ASI Series E: Applied Science, No. 115, pp. 41-52, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht 1986.

Koppmann, R., S.M. Refaei and A. Pospieszczyk
Spectroscopic study of atomic beams generated by laser ablation of multicomponent targets.
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, A4 (1), 79-85,, 1986.

Koppmann, R.
Radial Velocity Measurements of the Spectra of Zeta Aurigae Outside Eclipses.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 110, 321-330,, 1985.

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