Institut für Atmosphären- und Umweltforschung


J.P. Colomer, M.B. Blanco, A.B. Peñéñory, I. Barnes, P. Wiesen, M.A. Teruel
Gas-phase reactivity study of (E)-3-pentenenitrile and 4-pentenenitrile towards OH radicals and Cl atoms at atmospheric pressure
Atmos. Environ., 61, 597–604 (2012),

G. Oksdath-Mansilla, A.B. Peñéñory, I. Barnes, P. Wiesen and M.A. Teruel
Photodegradation of (CH3CH2)2S and CH3CH2SCH3 Initiated by OH Radicals at Atmospheric Pressure. Product Yields and Mechanism in NOx Free Air
Atmos. Environ., 55, 263–270 (2012),

M.B. Blanco, I. Bejan, I. Barnes, P. Wiesen, M.A.Teruel
Atmospheric Oxidation of Vinyl and Allyl acetate: Product Distribution and Mechanisms of the OH-Initiated Degradation in the Presence and the Absence of NOx.
Environ. Sci. Technol., 46, 8817–8825 (2012),

R. Kurtenbach, J. Kleffmann, A. Niedojadlo, P. Wiesen
Primary NO2 Emissions and Their Impact on Air Quality in Traffic Environments in Germany
Environmental Science Europe, 24:21, (2012),

Y. F. Elshorbany, J. Kleffmann, A. Hofzumahaus, R. Kurtenbach, P. Wiesen, T. Brauers, B. Bohn, H.-P. Dorn, H. Fuchs, F. Holland, F. Rohrer, R. Tillmann, R. Wegener, A. Wahner, Y. Kanaya, A. Yoshino, S. Nishida, Y. Kajii, M. Martinez, D. Kubistin, H. Harder, J. Lelieveld, T. Elste, C. Plass-Dülmer, G. Stange, H. Berresheim and U. Schurath
HOx Budgets during HOxComp: a Case Study of HOx Chemistry under NOx limited Conditions
J. Geophys. Res., 117, D03307, doi:10.1029/2011JD017008 (2012)

M. Blanco, I. Barnes and P. Wiesen
Kinetic Investigation of the OH Radical and Cl Atom Initiated Degradation of Unsaturated Ketones at Atmospheric Pressure and 298 K
J. Phys. Chem., 116, 6033–6040 (2012),

A. Niedojadlo, K.H. Becker, R. Kurtenbach, P. Wiesen, A. Schady, I. Sowka, Y.F. Elshorbany, A. Zwozdziak and J. Zwozdziak
Volatile Organic Compounds in Wroclaw, Poland: Source Apportionment Using Chemical Mass Balance Modelling Technique
Gefahrstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft, 72, 39–47 (2012)

R. Kurtenbach, M. Koehler, T. Benter, D. Bracke, M. Brüner, M. Gallus, M. Hartwig, S. Ifang, J. Kleffmann, P. Leistner, G. Reznik, E. Schmidt, G.H. Villena Tapia, P. Wiesen, E. Zwick
Lärmschutzwand zur Bindung von Feinstäuben und anderen Luftschadstoffen
Lärmbekämpfung, 7, 19–23 (2012)

G. Villena, I. Bejan, R. Kurtenbach, P. Wiesen and J. Kleffmann
Interferences of Commercial NO2 Instruments in the Urban Atmosphere and in a Smog Chamber
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 149–159 (2012),

zuletzt bearbeitet am: 25.08.2023